Taste of Manchester Relaunching

9 February 2009

Dear TOM reader,

As you may have noticed, Taste of Manchester has been in hibernation over the winter, recovering from the Manchester Food and Drink Festival. However, we are now delighted to announce that we are ready to return with a format which promises to be better than ever!

In reality, we have spent the last few months carrying out some market research, assessing what TOM can offer its readers, different from what is already available on other Manchester websites. We are looking to make TOM the first port of call for people interested in food and drink in Manchester; not only the high end restaurants, but a comprehensive base for information about producers, retailers, takeaways, cafes etc.

With plenty of competitive offers, reviews, food and drink centred articles, recipes and Manchester based events, TOM will provide a useful web source for Manchester residents and visitors alike. Manchester has received a lot of negative press regarding its dining culture but we believe this is somewhat unfair. TOM hopes to help develop and promote Manchester cuisine and prove to critics that if they bother to venture out of London to the Capital of the North, there is a wealth of quality to be found, it’s just about knowing where to find it!

If you have any suggestions or comments about what you would like to see on the Taste of Manchester website, please send an email to: [email protected]
We are keen to make TOM more than just a self absorbed website, as we aim to build a food community for the benefit of the industry and consumers alike.

So keep your eyes peeled and keep returning to see where we are up to but from next week forward, TOM should become your first stop for finding out everything food and drink related in Manchester.
