• Taste the hotpot – the Pilcrow Project adds a crafty savoury to its workshops

Taste the hotpot – the Pilcrow Project adds a crafty savoury to its workshops

28 January 2016 by Neil Sowerby

[UPDATE: all workshops are now filled. Check the Pilcrow website for any spaces.]

TASTE of Manchester has been following closely the gentle gestation of The Pilcrow, the city centre’s new self-build community pub taking shape in NOMA epicentre Sadler’s Yard

The Pilcrow is being built entirely by volunteers using traditional building techniques and artisan crafts, led by a line-up of skilled practitioners. Lucy Lovell interviewed artist/ceramicist Joe Hartley, the Pilcrow Project’s Head Maker, as they launched the first batch of How To Build A Pub workshops.

Now there’s a second batch available for folk keen on spindle building, stool upholstery, creating coat hooks and the like. For the full list of Batch 2 visit this link. To sign up for these on-site classes visithere. 

Following Build A Hot Pot parts 1 and 2 comes a second duo. Part 3 on Saturday, May 7 from 10am-4pm is the first metal-based workshop, where Michelle Shields, armed with hammers and an acid tank, will show how to make cutlery.

Two Saturdays later, on May 21, 10am-3pm, finally comes Part 4, the big foodie draw. “A local chef will be leading the way into the food abyss on this one by cooking up a storm using our earlier made hotpots and a selection of local, seasonal ingredients. We’ll then sit down for a cracking meal and eat them using our previously made cutlery.”

From Field to Plate has nothing on this!
