• A big Willkommen to Manchester’s Christmas Markets

A big Willkommen to Manchester’s Christmas Markets

9 November 2016

DUST off one of your selection of Gluhwein cups you never got your deposit back on and hit the Christmas Markets from Thursday, November 10. There have been revolutionary changes to the format this year. Well actually, NO! Just ToM’s little Spass (German for joke). Last year nine million folk visited the Markets, so the formula obviously works.

Until the various traders from Germany (and other countries we are Brexiting from) suddenly up sticks and head home on Tuesday, December 20 it's well nigh impossible in the city centre to avoid Wurst, Wein, Pils, Käse, Holz, Kitsch and all the other monosyllabic Teutonic treats in store from 350 gaily decked stalls. 

The hub, as ever, is outside the Town Hall, but other areas (see below) have themes.  There’s a French market in King Street; St Ann’s Square is for all things German; and you’ll find arts and crafts in Exchange Square. Expect distinctly un-German paella, too, and waffles, Holland’s next greatest contribution to civilisation after Rembrandt and Johann Cruyff.

Christmas Markets, Thur Nov 10-Tues Dec 20, Albert Square, Brazennose Street, St Ann’s Square, Exchange Street, New Cathedral Street, The Corn Exchange, King Street, Market Street, Exchange Square, Cathedral Gardens, Tel: 0161 234 5000, 10am – 8pm (Bars until 9pm), Free. Full information on negotiating the markets is here
