Beer of the week: Rise Premium IPA

13 September 2010

William France As a man who likes his British-brew India Pale Ale, I was intrigued when I came across the Danish Rise Premium IPA in Kro Piccadilly. The attractive glass vessel with its air of exclusivity drew me in and I wasn’t disappointed. The beer poured with a light creamy head and a caramel colour which continued in taste, making for a balance of sweet malt and sharp hop that was pleasantly understated. It is not a true British-style IPA, as the hop flavour is not at the forefront. It is however a smooth tipple which adds depth to Kro’s bottle ale selection. Worth a punt if you’re after something a bit different.

Rise Premium India Pale Ale, 5.5%, £5.95 from Kro Piccadilly, One Piccadily Gardens, Unit A and B, M1 1RG (0161 244 5765,
