Delicious cakes are just a mouse-click away

20 December 2010

If you like your cakes as much as we do at Taste of Manchester HQ, then you’ll like fresh, hand-made fancies, that are only made using the finest local, organic and free-range ingredients even more. So let us introduce you to local cake maker, Fraise des Bois who specialise in very special, very tasty and very good for the local ecomony kind of cakes. The kind of cakes that let you have your cake and eat it.

Fraise des Bois was set up in the north west 18 months ago, with the ambition to put flavour and sourcing into the heart of its recipes. As a result, cakes are made using free range eggs, high quality chocolate, local butter and no preservatives or additives at all. To keep overheads as low as possible, products are sold direct to the consumer from the website as well as being stocked in Philpotts sandwich shops in Manchester, which gives you the chance to try before ordering a big batch of fancies online.

Cakes and pastries are made to order and best sellers include chocolate brownies (£12 for 8), and cupcakes (9 for £20, giftwrapped). Fraise Des Bois offer a range of blueberry and double chocolate muffins too, as well as flapjacks, fruit cakes, lemon biscuits and remarkably buttery shortbread. And during wet and miserable January, the company are offering Taste readers 10 per cent off all products. Just the ticket to brighten up Friday afternoon in the office.

For more information, visit the Fraise Des Bois website here
