Five Questions For....Russ Brown

14 December 2009

Lisa Higginson

Russ brown is making a name for himself behind the hotplate of Manchester’s stylish Radisson Edwardian Hotel and its Opus One restaurant. Here he reveals the secret behind being a top chef and what he loves to eat when he’s not busy cooking up a storm in the Opus One kitchen as he answers ToM’s Five Questions For…….

1. What inspired you go into the food industry?

I was first inspired to be a chef by working during summer holidays with my brother, who is six years older than me and also a chef. By the time I was 16 my brother was leading his own kitchen and I worked for him as a commis on a couple of occasions - incidentally he became my number two some years later. As a chef, I believe the love for food and the industry grows with time and knowledge. A busy kitchen can be a daunting workplace, but as your knowledge grows and you become more confident you really start too get the buzz from happy customers.

2. What is your favourite dish or food to cook time after time?

I really enjoy cooking Indian food and marrying flavours from Asia with traditional European dishes. I’m not a chef that wants to experiment for the sake of it, but if you can come up with a great combination it can be very exciting. Roast duck with cumin, dhal, cauliflower beignets and duck crackling is a great example of this.

3. Who is your favourite chef and which is your favourite restaurant when you go out?

I don’t have a favourite restaurant. I tend to dine out as the mood takes me, but I would nearly always try anything new in hope of inspiration, this is rare but when you do find it, it makes the hunt satisfying. The last truly great meal I ate was in Opus One. I know that sounds like blowing your own trumpet but I just popped in on a night off and the guys blew me away. When working with people for a long time, as the head chef, I need to remember how great they are and how hard they work.

4. Tell us a secret about being a chef.

The secret, if it still is one, is the stress and sheer hard work involved in getting anywhere near the top of your profession. Yes, you need flare but there’s no substitute for hard graft and will power.

5. What is your favourite cuisine and why?

As mentioned earlier, I really enjoy Indian food.

Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Free Trade Hall, Peter Street, Manchester, M2 5GP
T: 0161 835 9929
