MFDF announces 2009 festival dates

27 April 2009

Get your diaries out now! For Manchester Food and Drink Festival announced its 2009 dates at the launch of Love Food Hate Waste, which will be its main sponsor this year. The highlight of any Northern foodie’s diary will take place from Thursday, October 1 until Monday, October 12 when the festival will culminate with the legendary annual gala dinner and awards at the Palace Hotel.

As usual there will be celebrity chefs, cooking demonstrations, tasting events and offers from great restaurants across Manchester. The partnership between MFDF and Love Food Hate Waste will form the key theme for this year’s events which is sustainability. The festival is also introducing a sustainable event management model in line with a new British standard, which will mean MFDF will eventually become a flagship event in the field of environmental sustainability.

Phil Jones, executive director of the festival, said: “We are delighted to welcome Love Food Hate Waste on board as sponsors of this year’s Manchester Food and Drink Festival. MFDF has always been a campaigning festival, which prides itself in broadcasting important messages about sustainability.

“Love Food Hate Waste and MFDF will work together with the people of Greater Manchester to reduce the huge amount of food we waste in our daily routines. We are looking forward to a great festival in October and are asking people to get involved in, not only the initiatives we are organising to help spread the message of Love Food but Hate Waste, but also the whole of the wider festival too.â€?

Emma Marsh, spokesperson for Love Food Hate Waste, said: “The festival is a great opportunity for the Love Food Hate Waste campaign to speak to the people of Greater Manchester about the huge environmental issue of wasted food, while being able to offer some helpful tips on saving money, simply by eating more of the food we buy.â€?

Love Food Hate Waste is a national campaign launched by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), which promotes the need to stop wasting food, for both the environment and our finances.

Manchester Food and Drink Festival was set up by Phil Jones in 1997 to celebrate the rich heritage and culture of food and drink in the North West. Now in its twelfth year, the event has gained a fantastic superb reputation from the food trade and public alike. It is a great way for Greater Manchester to showcase its rich diversity and talent in restaurants, bars, producers and suppliers.
