NORTHERN Quarter stalwart Common, shut for a few weeks, is back with an impressive new look (take a look, tell us what you think) – and, of course, a relaunch art show to set you thinking.
Owner Jonny Heyes tells us: “The walls of Common have always functioned as a backdrop for innovative artists, but after 10 years we thought it was time to perfect what we do and take a step forward. Now we’re making art and design a physical part of the space itself.’’
That means custom pieces commissioned from ceramicist Joe Hartley – hand-crafted lampshades, pump handles and a coffee tamper that form a physical part of the new Common alongside furniture designs from Pete Masters.
Plastic & Leather is Hartley’s exhibition in the bar illuminating the processes involved –using simple, low-tech tools,lathes, sewing machines and a potter’s wheel, to create work from three ingredients: wood, clay and cloth.
The reopened bar plans earlier opening times an extended square footage with 30 additional covers, making more time and room for a new all day food menu and next level coffee. TOM will be investigating the menu soon for you!
Common, 39 Edge Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester M4 1HW. 0161 832 9245,