Your Health Roots: Losing your diet way - Make 2013 A Healthy Eating Year

6 March 2013

BY RUTH GOULDING , Taste of Manchester Nutritional Advisor

Kick starting 2013 is a joy when fueled by great enthusiasm. A perfect antidote to the indulgence of the festive period! Detox is the word on everybody's lips.

With the excessive season all over for another year, it always feels joyful to regain the BALANCE.

However we are sometimes lost and don’t know where to go, or what to do! We know the old way wasn’t working so it’s natural to reach for a fad diet.

It new, fresh and promises results-but how many actually work?

Springtime is where we can normally assess this.  We set off with all the necessities, from knowledge to determination, but have we actually been able to eat just cabbage soup, or effectively cut all carbohydrates out of our eating, in order to shed those pesky Christmas calories?

The answer is normally no-diets just don’t work-otherwise there’d just be one!

YourHealthRoots and the Taste of Manchester can help, we suggest healthy living through a healthy outlook, keeping it simple via clean, enjoyable eating in moderation, here’s our 3 top tips for a healthy start to 2013.

Tip 1

Get your combinations right.

Life’s a balance-same with your dinner plate.

You need protein, carbohydrates and fats. Here are some good examples:

  • A good source of protein is meat, particularly low fat options such as chicken and turkey. Chickpeas, hummus and quinoa are good for vegetarians.

  • Carbohydrates-keep them complex not simple unless you need and want a sugar high. Stick to slow releasing carbohydrates such as whole-wheat versions of rice, pasta, and oats.

  • Although fats get a huge amount of bad press, they are required for a healthy functioning system. It’s more about the type of fats. Steer clear of saturated and trans fats. Unsaturated and polyunsaturated sources such as avocado and nuts and seeds are the healthiest for you.

Tip 2

Assess your portion size.

Rather than confusing yourself with percentages if you think in terms of your hands you’ll always have a readily available measuring tool that is perfectly in portion for your own body intake.

  • The knuckle side of your fist/ or palm of your hand for your protein intake

  • Your whole hand for carbohydrates. Selecting complex carbohydrates with a Low Glycemic Index.

  • The baby finger curl of your fist for fats.

Tip 3

Keep the fire burning.

Think of your metabolism (your energy producer) as a burning fire, you have to keep stoking it. You can do this by sticking to your normal intake but splitting it into smaller portions making sure you eat little and often. Generally every 2hours, if you’re hungry of course. Or decrease your meal portion size and add more healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds and fruit.

Three handy tips to re-invigorate your New Years resolutions.


